Annual Meeting of the AAA (American Anthropological Association) and CASCA (Canadian Anthropology Society), Vancouver, BC
In November 2019, Kwusen principal and anthropologist Towagh Behr participated in a roundtable discussion entitled “Practicing Anthropology in Extractive Zones: Opportunities and challenges concerning research consulting with Indigenous peoples in Alberta’s oil sands and subarctic Canada” at the annual CASCA/AAA meeting in Vancouver. Roundtable participants discussed opportunities for partnership between applied anthropological research and academic anthropologists in areas impacted by intensive resource extraction. The forum also gave Towagh and other researchers the opportunity to reflect on the difficulties of reconciling community-based research with federal and provincial environmental assessment processes. For more information on the conference and the roundtable, see the event website.
Towagh Behr (fourth from right), Tara Joly (far right), and other researchers at the 2019 roundtable.